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Bar of the Week: Askinosie's Tanzanie

What do a model volcano, a colonial settlement diorama, and our current bar of the week have in common? 

They're all school projects. 

Askinosie's 72% dark chocolate Tenende bar was developed by students of the Chocolate University, aSpringfield, MO program that introduces high school students to the inner workings of socially responsible small business.  Generous sponsorship allowed thirteen Chocolate University students to travel to Tanzania, where they met face-to-face with Perce Kyeja, head of the UWATE group of cacao farmers.  The collaboration culminated in the Tenende bar and a wrapper featuring Kyeja's photo.

Tenende is a mild dark chocolate with notes of earth and herbs and a sweetness that recalls dried cherries.  Come try a sample on Saturday, August 6th.