What We’re Eating: Escazu Pumpkin Seeds & Guajillo Chili Chocolate Bar


Escazu Pumpkin Seeds & Guajillo Chili 74% Dark ChocolateIf you can’t decide between a crunchy snack and a piece of chocolate, than look no further than the Escazu Pumpkin Seeds & Guajillo Chili chocolate bar. The pumpkin seeds provide a satisfying crunch with a hint of salt. The guajillo chili, though mild, complements the pumpkin seeds and adds just pinch of spice to the bar. Of course you can’t forget the most important part, the chocolate. The chocolate is created using a wonderful blend of cacao from Venezuela, Costa Rica, and Ecuador. Its smooth texture paired with the crunch of the seeds creates a delightful eating experience.

Stop by today from 11am-5pm to taste a sample of the Escazu Pumpkin Seeds & Guajillo Chili chocolate bar.
Chocolate Bar-ista

You Better Belize it! My cacao adventures in the jungles of Belize.


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